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20 results in 0.0039 seconds.
Introduce yourself!
Post your introductions here! You can be as detailed or vague as you like, but we want to know: where did you come from?- Stuck
What's the coolest place you ever lived?
Born and raised in Portland, Maine, and I love my little city. But I adored and still miss the time I lived in the PNW, when I worked for Microsoft. I... -
The Cat Tax
All who have a companion of the animal kind (cat or otherwise) are obligated to pay The Tax. No exceptions, even for admins. Meet Jules!
...2 -
I'm always looking for new stuff to listen to during my workday and commutes. I'd love to hear what some of your favorite podcasts are! Some of mine are... -
The Old Guard
Anyone here from the old Valiant Gamers or Game Sekai? What do you miss and/or want us to bring back?Last edited by Althena; 01-24-2024, 09:20 AM.