I didn't realize the patents on MP3 finally expired. This is really cool, but it feels like age is finally catching up to MP3. Our internet speeds are fast enough to make getting music a non-issue these days, and I imagine others are like me in trying to move their collections to lossless. But I remember discovering MP3s in 1997 and how fucking cool that was. Hope you enjoy the article, it's worth reading!
The MP3 standard is now free
Today, most people interact with music through streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube. They don’t download files, nor do they think about what format their music is in. -
Tech is also improving at unbelievable rates. My brain has a hard enough time keeping up with so much technology, to say nothing of music files. I'm still living in the past outside of owning a PS5. I couldn't even imagine music files being more convenient than mp3s were to me 20 years ago.Comment
Their support is totally ubiquitous, so you can guarantee that most any electronic device you can copy files to will support them. If you needed lossy compression, though, I have seen reports that Opus gets better compression overall than MP3. But it's less universally supported and then there's lossless music in a age where we can effectively store it.Comment