This thread is a compilation of our previous, separate suggestions threads rolled into one. Linked above is a list of all the games we've been suggested so far, along with links to the playthroughs of each GotM for your convenience. We do these streams for you, so please let us know here if there is a game that you think should be featured on our GotM series!
Game of the Month Master Thread (VOD Links, Suggestions)
This is a sticky topic.
This thread is a compilation of our previous, separate suggestions threads rolled into one. Linked above is a list of all the games we've been suggested so far, along with links to the playthroughs of each GotM for your convenience. We do these streams for you, so please let us know here if there is a game that you think should be featured on our GotM series!Last edited by Random Encounter; 06-20-2024, 09:51 PM. Reason: Updated OP text, link to the GotM Master List added -
With our April 2024 GotM decided upon, we want our community to get a say in our Game of the Month selections going forward. Each month, we'll post a thread where we want to hear from YOU what you want to see us play. If you see a suggestion here that you also want to see played, react to it with a thumbs up. After a week, we'll take the three posts with the most reactions and put it up in a poll for the community to vote on. The winner of that poll will go on to be Valiant Gamers' next Game of the Month!
As our Games of the Month are featured on the front page of Valiant Gamers and on our Twitch channel, we ask that these games be appropriate for the the general audience that may visit these sites. To that end, game suggestion should be rated M or below. If your suggestion does not have an ESRB rating, or if you are otherwise unsure your suggestion is appropriate, please don't hesitate to check with site staff for guidance.
Lastly, don't despair if your game doesn't make it to GotM or even to the poll. If your suggestion doesn't get picked during a given month, you are welcome to submit it again the following month!Last edited by Admin; 03-28-2024, 11:40 PM. -
I've got a lot of potential choices, but one is at the forefront of my mind:
Motherfuckin' ACTRAISER. I don't care if it's the original or the Renaissance version, I'd absolutely love to see it either way.1
I'd love to see someone tackle La Mulana (the remake, not the original freeware game). It's a great game, beastly hard, but could be fun for everyone to work together to solve the puzzles...and it has a killer soundtrack. The only potential drawback is that it's a decently long game due to all the puzzles, but if there were 3 streams per week, slightly longer streams, or just a good amount of community working together, I'm pretty sure it could be completed.2
I'm hesitant to suggest anything because I like to see things I'm not too familiar with. With that in mind, I have no experience with Actraiser or La Mulana, so I think those are good candidates.1
Grandia and Grandia II, great games.
I've never played Grandia III so that should probably be on there too. Never played Xenoblade or any of its series either, so it would be interesting to see someone go through that.2
Please don't hesitate! You don't have to be familiar with the game(s) you want to nominate, just that you're interested in seeing them. 😁3
Then I suggest my avatar's origin, VA-11 Hall-A. One of my favorite character pieces out there, a very chill experience, and pretty conductive for streaming. The one downside is that there would be a lot of reading if the player wants to relay the dialogue to chat.Comment
The games by Tokyo RPG Factory may be worth looking into. Years ago, I got halfway into I Am Setsuna before picking up something else, but I recently redownloaded it and am hoping to actually finish.
Gameplay is heavily inspired by Chrono Trigger, with dual techs- but the difficulty curve felt quite a bit higher. The soundtrack is done entirely with piano, providing a very lilting atmosphere.
Lost Sphear and Oninaki are other games from the dev I'd like to check out, but I know much less of them. Unfortunately earlier this year, the company was dissolved and absorbed back into Square-Enix, but I'm hoping the former members of the group continue to make good games.Comment
This is a really good one. Would be neat to see how it plays nowadays. I was a kid when I played it, and it was definitely a challenge at times. Actually had to go back and grind a few times to beat some of the bosses.Comment