Tabletop RPG Nights (D&D/Cthulhu/etc.)

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  • Random Encounter
    • Jan 2024
    • 601

    Tabletop RPG Nights (D&D/Cthulhu/etc.)

    Hey everyone! During our 1st Anniversary stream last night, we talked about interest in a D&D night among community members. Well I want to gauge that interest here! Who among you would be up for a tabletop RPG night, what system(s) do you prefer, and what nights would you be free?
  • Wandervox
    • Feb 2024
    • 41

    My experience is limited -- I've played through the greater part of a D&D 3.5 campaign, a bit of a Pathfinder campaign (same difference), and sat in on part of a 5th ed. And those were all a long time ago, so I can't really claim preference. But it's always been fun, and I'm always down to learn. At present, I'd be available nearly any time with the only restriction being a Tuesday meet would have me only available after 7:00 PM Eastern. That may change in the foreseeable future but, any change would be happening very near future (probably before we even get a campaign started in the first place), and I can keep y'all informed.

    This is probably outside the scope of this thread but, in case anything's been determined:
    Are there any plans being considered more than others regarding how we'll be playing? Discord? Roll20? Other? I ask because, some methods might have a bit of a learning curve (I've personally lost hair, trying to learn R20's finer points), and it might be good to have time to familiarize ourselves with stuff like that ahead of time.
    Last edited by Wandervox; 01-20-2025, 11:32 PM. Reason: wording for clarity


    • Althena
      The Goddess
      • Jan 2024
      • 521

      I haven't played a tabletop RPG in a loooooong time. My favorites are D&D and Vampire: The Masquerade. I am open to giving this a try, somehow!


      • Wandervox
        • Feb 2024
        • 41

        Originally posted by Althena
        I haven't played a tabletop RPG in a loooooong time. My favorites are D&D and Vampire: The Masquerade. I am open to giving this a try, somehow!
        Ooh! I'd forgotten about V:tM. Haven't messed with that since '90-something but, I remember liking the comparatively relaxed format, compared to D&D (back then, anyway). White Wolf could be great for a 'less math, more RP' approach, depending on who wants what. :o


        • The Grimace
          • Mar 2024
          • 244

          Tabletop sounds like a blast...

          Unfortunately my nights are mostly spoken for. I work Sundays and Tuesdays, guaranteed. I'm off on Mondays. My availability is set to nights, so I may or may not work for Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, or Saturdays. It's always up in the air. I'll probably have to serve as an observer.

