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One Year of Valiant Gamers
When Althena proposed to Selbaek and me the idea of getting our online groove back, I wasn't sure what the future would...2
Forum and stream notifications via Discord & RSS
If you haven't noticed, Valiant Gamers has a Discord! Until today, we've exclusively used it as a communication hub for our gaming events. But now the...
Last edited by Althena; 07-24-2024, 04:49 PM. Reason: Edited for clarity on when notifications would be sent.2
Changing display name
For users who signed up with a username but would like to change it to something else, we have enabled the option to change your name as it's displayed...1
LFG is live!
If you missed the article on the front page, I wanted to direct you to our new group feature: Looking For Group (LFG). It's meant to help our members...3
Forum Update - 2024-03-31
Valiant Gamers has been updated to vBulletin 6.0.3. Aside from bug fixes, one major change is an overhaul to the reactions system. This new system will...2