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2 results in 0.0023 seconds.

  • Random Encounter
    started a topic Site News LFG is live!

    LFG is live!

    If you missed the article on the front page, I wanted to direct you to our new group feature: Looking For Group (LFG). It's meant to help our members...
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  • Valiant Together and New Features

    Valiant Together and New Features

    It stands to reason that one of the purposes of a video gaming community is to come together and play some games. To that end, we recently held our first site-wide game night this past Tuesday. The turnout was quite good, and a lot of fun was had playing the FPS classic Doom! Our plan is to hold a Valiant Together night once a month, with a different game each event. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please check out the forum for news and announcements for future events!...
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    Last edited by Random Encounter; 06-13-2024, 04:43 PM.